Delete Computer History

View Internet History

How to View Internet History

You can view internet history files in multiple ways. Your internet history will undoubtedly be logged in several areas. What you can see will determine which area you choose to investigate.

Website Search History

Your website history will be logged in your browser for the most part. Your browser. Your browser will keep a detailed history of the information that you’ve typed into the browser’s search bar. So when you go to type an address in your search bar, previous web sites addresses will pop up. This is also known as your auto-complete history. No matter what browser you are using, you can access your by simply pressing CTRL+H. This will bring up your history.

In Internet Explorer you can view your internet history by date. You will be can view the website history by simply clicking the date and opening the tab. A list of websites will be displayed. Firefox history is displayed in a similar fashions

In Google Chrome, you can open the website history by pressing Ctrl+H. This will bring up. The website is listed under the date and you can go back more than 30 days to view it. You can also search your history using the search bar.

Download History.

Your download history can be found in browser options or in your temporary folder. To open the download history you can press CTRL+J. This will bring up your download history in that specific browser. However, this will only show you what has been downloaded in that browser.

To view internet history files that have been downloaded by going into Temporary internet files. Your download history from all browsers will be saved in your Temporary Internet folder. This will show you everything that has been downloaded on your computer through your browsers.

In the view files folder, you will be able to see files that contain pictures, browser options and other data. The object folder will contain application and other executable data. You can evaluate both folder to search for whatever information you are looking for.

There are software options that will allow you to track what anyone does on the your computer. You can also use options in your Parental Controls to evaluate activities on the internet.